Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Refactory

  • 24 weeks
  • Free

About Course

This 6-month training is offered in partnership with GIZ. The course follows a project-based, instructed class, coupled with self-learning to ground you in fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning. Learners have an opportunity to use data sets from familiar work environments to validate the knowledge and skills they learn.

The course provides for elective specializations such as majors in NLP and Earth Observation & Geomatics.

Intakes: September 2023

Fees: Scholarship by Uganda – GIZ

Enroll (Applications Closed!)


  • Foundational knowledge of programming
  • 6 hours per week for live instruction classes
  • Personal Computer
  • Reliable Internet Connection

Course Content

Week 1-2

  • Statistical Programming

Week 3 – 5

Week 6

Week 7-8

Week 9 – 11

Week 12

Week 13 – 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18 – 19

Refactory is a Tech skilling Academy. We are the industry’s blueprint for hiring software talent.

Visit us

Refactory Academy, 2nd Floor, Clarke International University. Kawagga Close off Kalungi Road, Muyenga

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