“The Vacist’s program is a Heaven-sent program to us, my wife and I have seen our daughter become more confident. She can ably articulate herself. We have seen the leader in her come alive. I would recommend this program to any parent looking to enable their child to be the best version of themselves.” Anonymous parent
“My brother showed me the site he developed for eight weeks, and I was very impressed. He is now apart of the catalyst cohort learning more as we wait for schools to reopen. I know for a fact that this has been money and time well spent.” Guardian to one of the students.
This was some of the feedback we received from the parents whose children took part in our 8-week Vacist’s program. The main objective of the program was to introduce participants to the basics of software development and selective elements of leadership and personal development. Our target audience was students that are on their ongoing vacation (P7, S4 and S6).
During the graduation ceremony of the first cohort, Michael the program director shared “When we started this program, we were thrilled to share knowledge at foundation level, little did we know that it was going to be another learning opportunity for us as well. What am I saying in all this? Be humble enough to learn and hungry enough to seek.” That’s statement was not only for the grandaunts but for the Refactory team as well. We quickly realised that there was a need for us to open this program up for those that are not necessarily vacists but had a desire to learn, starting with the Foundations of software development.

Guess what we did?…
We decided to open up the program to all those interested in learning the principles and foundations of software development. The intent was to encompass all those interested in learning how to use technology with or without the presence of a technical background.
For the student that is interested in setting the pace for their future, for the parent interested in giving their child a head starts and unravelling their potential, for the university and tertiary institution student looking to incorporate technology in some way into their career prospects, this is the program for you.

How much is the program? The program costs 1 million Uganda Shillings only.
Mode of delivery: Sessions and training are offered remotely at the moment in order to protect our community from the possible spread of COVID-19.
Starting Date: October 1st 2021
Deadline for registration: 19th September 2021
You do not have to be a genius to learn computer programming or software development. This course will introduce you to world-class technical & non-technical techniques in problem solving, leadership and personal development and introduction to Web Development
Visit our website here to read more about the program here, and if this is something that interests you, please go ahead to register here.