On Thursday 12th November 2020 we held Tech Knot, our very first virtual open day with over 82 people in attendance using Hopin. The audience comprised of both students and potential employers and partners. The main goal of the event was to create a link between our students and potential employers and also to showcase the quality of the Refactory program and its student talent to foster new and deeper partnerships in the tech sector.

To kick start the event was the Program director Michael Niyitegeka, who welcomed all the guests in their respective capacities, sharing a brief about what Tech Knot is and the intentions behind it. He shared about Refactory and why such an event was indeed a milestone for us.
On the panel where 3 gold partners NSSF, Laboremus Uganda and Pivot Payments, who shared 15minute presentations about different topics that were intended to support our students to understand the demand in the tech sector, what opportunities are available to them and what do they require to come on board. Andrew Bugembe, a software developer from Laboremus Uganda, one of Refactory’s founding partners enlightened the students on what technical skills they required to get into the tech industry. He also highlighted how they should diversify and learn more to have one foot in the door as tech is constantly evolving.

There in, Mrs Julian Mulindwa from NSSF spoke of the partnership between NSSF and Mastercard foundation, a project in which they plan to enable 3 million young Ugandans to get access to dignified work, what it had to offer and the eligibility criteria for those interested in joining. The program intends to empower young entrepreneurs with big dreams in different sectors to be able to achieve those dreams. Read more about the partnership here.
Last but not least was Mrs Shamira Kimbugwe who shared on all things personal branding for techies and how the students can utilize the available social channels to promote their work and even gunner more business. She spoke of sites such as LinkedIn, Github and many more.
It was such an enlightening session that left students with tunes of questions to which they received responses. We had a Q&A session and the panellists gave students as much information as they could.

We then had a quick chat with Sandra Nanteza, a Refactory alumni, now business owner who also shared her experience and journey while at Refactory. When asked the one thing she took away from it all, Sandra said ” Independence, You learn how to find solutions to any problem, do research, explore and not give up.”
A presentation from a Refactory Bootcamp team that was able to complete their project and submit it to the project owner. Timothy Mastiko and Nisha made the presentation and shared their challenges, their learnings and their overall experience.

When the student intended sessions were concluded we then moved on to the expo and speed dates in which student interacted with potential employers and get more information about different companies and the possibilities of getting employment. At the expo, different companies exhibited the work they are into and the shared with the students what opportunities are available to them and how they can come on board.
And for all this to happen, there was a team of dedicated staff who spent sleepless nights planning and preparing everything from invites, the presentations, to communications plan to mention but a few. We also thank the different partners that came on board to make this event happen whilst giving of their time and knowledge.

We are constantly looking into the ecosystem to earmark persons we can partner with and grow the tech industry. If you are interested in partnering with Refactory, there are many different ways through which you can come on board. Visit our website page here, visit our social media pages to leave a message or email [email protected] and we will be sure to get back to you on the many available ways you can partner with us.